Live CD
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A Live CD containing flashrom provides a user with a stable work environment to read, write and verify a flash device on any supported hardware.
It can help avoid Linux installation issues, which can be a hassle for some users.
Existing Live CDs with flashrom
flashrom is already shipped in the following Live CDs:
- SystemRescueCd has been including flashrom since about version 2.5.1.
- grml
- Note: You need the full grml ISO, "small" (and "medium") ISOs do not contain flashrom.
- Note: Some releases (e.g. 2011.12) did not contain flashrom.
- Parted Magic
- Hiren's BootCD
- When you select "Linux based rescue environment (Parted Magic 6.7)" and then "Live with default settings" you have access to a system which has flashrom.
Custom flashrom Live CD (obsolete, unmaintained)
This is a work in progress. The current beta ISO based on Debian may be downloaded here: Flashrom Live_CD-Debian-0.1
Pre-built flashrom packages for various Linux distributions and scripts to build Flashrom Live-CDs are hosted at flashrom-live-cd.
Included software packages
- Linux kernel.
- Complete and automatic hardware detection, not requiring any driver to be added.
- Mounts $windows drive read only
- livecd/packages:
- acpid, av, binutils, bison, busybox, bzip2, cabextract, cpio, curl, cvs, dev-util/git, dhcpcd, diffutils, dmidecode, dosfstools, ethtool, flex, ftp, gdb, grep, hwsetup, iputils, iproute, irssi, joe, lftp, livecd-tools, links, lsof, lynx, lzma-utils, mdadm, minicom, nano, ngrep, ntfsprogs, openssh, openvpn, pciutils, picocom, pptpclient, quilt, rp-pppoe, screen, strace, subversion, tar, telnet-bsd, tftp-hpa, unrar, valgrind, vim, wget, wireless-tools, wpa_supplicant, xc, zip
Complete toolchain for
- flashrom
- superiotool
- lspci
Size of ISO-image is <185 MBytes. Small enough to fit on a flash drive or 3" CD-ROM.